This article by Stephanie Barry was originally published on, Western Massachusetts’ most popular local news and information site, on June 16, 2015. The article can be accessed here. SPRINGFIELD – Lawyers in the federal “crimes against humanity” lawsuit against anti-homosexuality pastor Scott Lively continue to wrangle over which information should be made public in the case, and
This article is part of a series The Conversation Africa is running on issues related to LGBTI in Africa. You can read the rest of the series here and access the original article here. Of the 76 countries that still criminalise same-sex relationships and behaviour, 38 are African. Recent surveys also show that the overwhelming majority
IDAHOT 2015 Message by Dr. Frank Mugisha the Executive Director of Sexual Minorities Uganda – SMUG
Below is a 90-minute video of an event that took place on April 30, 2015 at the International Forum for Democratic Studies and titled “In the Shadows of Democracy: LGBTIQ Rights in Uganda.” SMUG Programme Director Pepe Julian Onziema spoke with Wade McMullen from The Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights. Watch
Our very own Pepe Julian Onziema, Programme Director and Advocacy Officer of Sexual Minorities Uganda, is nominated for a GLAAD Media Award in the Outstanding Talk Show Episode category! The talk show is, of course, Pepe’s appearance on Last Week Tonight with Jon Oliver on HBO, in which he spoke about his work with SMUG and the situation
Please help us get medical supplies to Uganda, come sort out medical supplies on saturday if you are in New York or support online. Please circulate to your networks. You can donate by going to the following link:
What’s it like to be part of a Ugandan minority – of less than 20 – living as openly gay? Frank Mugisha agreed to answer The Guardian readers’ questions about his experiences. Link below.
New Year’s Message from Dr. Frank Mugisha, Executive Director SMUG – Sexual Minorities Uganda from Voices of the Abasiyazzi on Vimeo.
December 01, 2014 Kampala – Uganda On the commemoration of World AIDS Day, Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), a network of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Intersex [LGBTI] joins the Ugandan health and human rights campaigners to call on the Government of Uganda, donor governments and all stakeholders to ensure access to HIV prevention and treatment
In November 2014, SMUG Programme Director Pepe Onziema was recognised as Stonewall’s hero of the year after battling anti-gay laws in the African nation despite threats to his life. Below is his acceptance speech. “Dear Ladies, Gentlemen and All non-conforming guests, I bring you greetings from my family, my colleagues at Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG)